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Frequently Asked Question

  • What is credit?
    Credit is the ability of a client or customer to obtain products, services or goods before having to issue payment.
  • What is a credit score?
    A credit score is a number, normally composed of three digits, that is calculated by a consumer’s credit history. It is used by creditors and lenders as a factor to evaluate the probability that the consumer will repay their debts. Credit scores do vary dependent on the lender and what credit reporting system they use when pulling your credit. Along with being approved or denied based off your credit scores, your interest rate as correlates with that 3 digit score.
  • How did my score become poor/lower ?
    There are a few factors that could lower one’s credit score. Paying late, or not at all, could result in negative marks that affect your credit score negatively. Also having your credit pulled to receive a decision when applying for credit also affects your score, but no worries; these marks typically affect you 2-5 points and do not have the same impact as other negative credit marks. Lastly, and possibly the easiest way to lower your credit score, is by using over a certain percentage of your credit card’s limit. Creditors typically like to see monthly credit card usage of 10% - 30% of your limit. Doing so shows that you are responsible enough to manage your debt and is willing to pay on time as well. When using over that 30% mark, especially 50% and higher, your credit score will begin to drop at an alarming rate.
  • What makes up my credit score?
    Your credit score is composed of several factors, that when used correctly, will always set you up to having good / great credit. Your credit score is broken up into five (5) factors that equal up to 100%: payment history (35%), amount of debt that is owed (30%), length of your credit history (15%), the different types of credit that you have (10%) & the new credit that you’re approved for (10%).
  • How long does it take before I see results?
    Many of our clients experience results anywhere between 14 to 45 days after beginning their credit consulting & education journey. Every client’s process varies for one simple reason: Everyone’s credit situation is different. There have been cases where some clients have positive changes in as little as 14 days, were others have experienced their results in 90 days to 120 day; it truly varies. Never listen to anyone who GUARANTEES or PROMISES on how long it would take to remove inaccurate information nor how high your score will become; you cannot predict credit!
  • What items can UCC help me remove from my credit report?
    We are able to challenge all inaccuracate and unverifiable items found within your credit reports. These errors include inquiries, collections, medical bills, charge-offs, student loans, late payments, bankruptcies, repossessions, incorrect personal information and more.
  • I’ve paid old bills and even current bills, but my score didn’t improve. Why is that?"
    Paying your bills [on time] plays a very important role in maintaining good credit. However, bringing a late account current or even paying off old debt such as a charge-off, collection, reposession, etc., will not delete or reset the negative history that has already resulted due to non-payment.
  • Is this Legal ?
    Yes, that is correct. Universal Credit Clinic uses not only legal proper methods in helping those with removing inaccuracies and / or is a victim of identity theft, but ethnically as well. We closely follow the guidelines of the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) that are set in place to protect the client.
  • What is it that Universal Credit Clinic will not help me with?
    We do not do “credit sweeps” removing both negative and positive items from your credit reports. We also DO NOT SELL, MAKE, or DEAL WITH CPNS OF ANY FASHION or FORM!
  • Is there anything that I have to do after I become a client?
    Here at Universal Credit Clinic, we do all the work. During a client's process, their responsibility is to simply practice good credit habits. Those include not running their credit frequently, continuing to their paying all bills on time, keeping their credit card utilization low, checking their client portal monthly for their updates and to trust the process with patience.
  • Where can I get a copy of my Credit Report ?
    There are many websites that will provide to you your three (3) complete credit reports instantly. These source include SmartCredit, IdentityIQ, Experian, MyFico, CheckFreeScore and ScoreSense just to name a few. CreditCheckTotal, which is actually owned by Experian, is also a good source to use as well.
  • I have credit karma. Can’t you just use that for my consultation?
    Unfortunately, no. While Credit Karma is a great, FREE tool that we’ve all seemed to use when monitoring our credit, it isn’t as accurate as you would like. Credit Karma shows us an "estimated" score that could be off, either up or down, about 30 to 50 points. Using sites such as SmartCredit, IdentityIQ, or Experian will display to you your most accurate credit scores.
  • *Do you have a "100% Guarantee"?"
    Here at Universal Credit Clinic, we work diligently to provide clients with both positive results and a stress-free process. While we wish we were in a perfect world, we do understand that there may be an instance a client may have a prelong journey to the results desired. If a client does not have at least ONE inaccurate item or error removed from their credit reports within 180 days of working with our team, we will gladly issue a refund. *It is the client's responsibility to update UCC with any updated correspondance and documentation received by the CRAs (credit reporting agencies) and/or any creditors. It is also the client's responsibility to follow ALL company given guidelines pertaining to their individual process, provided both verbally and in writing. The credit consulting process is a two-way street that puts responsibility on both the Servicer and the Client as a whole.
  • Is there any way we could meet in-person to conduct business?
    As much as we would love to meet you in person, in-person consultations have paused for the timebeing due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is upheld to prevent the possible transmission of the virus inresult causing sickness in and out of the office. Due to the power of technology, UCC has the ability to service clients virtually whether it's via phone, email, the client portal or even social media. *We service clients nationwide from Alabama to Wyoming, including Alaska and Hawaii. *Some states have governing credit laws and guidelines that may prevent the ability to service.
  • What makes Universal Credit Clinic different from other companies?
    1. Determination. We do not back down when the CRA’s refuse to remove all listed inaccurate & unverifiable items. Why take “No.” for an answer when there are consumer laws set in place to protect you, correcting these errors. The credit bureaus are paid to report all information contained within your credit reports, sometimes resulting in stall tactics and slow removals. 2. Altruism. Assisting individuals with the removing of erroneous items can be a time and energy consuming process. However here at Universal Credit Clinic, we strive every day to help as many people as we can. We know the power of credit and how it can positively change an individual’s overall financial situation. No matter a client’s race, age, sex, financial status, etc., we make everyone a priority to service them the best and quickly as we can. 3. Integrity and ethics. Some companies possess a sole focus of profit, feeding on the desperateness of clients who're willing to invest money into improving their credit. Doing things unethically could also land the client, and company, in trouble. At UCC, we do everything within our power to fit the best interests and needs of the client; if our clients are happy, we’re happy. 4. Referrals. When a client experiences satisfaction produced by the results of our company’s services, word travels quickly. The bigger our UCC community grows, the more people we are able to aid with their future financial goals and opportunities. We show our gratitude by compensating those who refer others to sign up for our services, client or not; Ask about our affiliate program today!
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